IOS Irkupru tad-Data

Kif Irkupra Ritratti minn iCloud Backup fuq PC

Time flies! We usually take photos to save moments that never come back again. With the development of technology, we have more ways to record our lives. iPhone is one of them and it offers many modes to capture, like Live Photos, HDR Images, SLO-MO, and PANO. Sometimes, we take many photos for one scene in order to select the best one and then delete the others. However, it is not uncommon that “I was trying to delete one picture folder and by mistake deleted all my photos. Are there any ways available to get my photos back? Please help…” Recently Deleted” folder must be the first place where you will find but it can only save the deleted images in 30 days. Thus, what you need when getting nothing in the “Recently Deleted” folder is Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone which is a powerful tool to recover lost data, such as contacts, photos, text messages, bookmarks, notes, and more on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. It can retrieve your iPhone photos with or without backups. Thus, once you have backed up those photos via iCloud before, it is safe to access pictures and restore them from iCloud backup on a PC.

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How to Retrieve Photos from iCloud Files

Step 1: Sign in iCloud account

At first, launch Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone u agħżel "Irkupra minn iCloud Backup File" on the left bottom of the window. Enter into your iCloud account with your Apple ID and password.

tirkupra minn icloud

Note: If you fail in logging into the iCloud account on iPhone Data Recovery and get a note – “Apple ID or Password is Incorrect“, please turn off the two-factor authentication or two-step verification temporarily. Something should be known: two-factor authentication and two-step verification are additional security features for your Apple ID to prevent anyone from accessing your account, even though you have the correct password. For more, you can check the Websajt tat-tuffieħ.

Step 2: Download and extract iCloud backup files

The backup files on your iCloud account will be displayed automatically after entering the program. Select any data you want to get back by tapping the "Niżżel" button. It needs a few seconds. When it’s completed, click the same button to start extracting.

Step 3: Preview photos from iCloud

You can see all data in the window after step two. You can have a preview now. Since there are so many categories here, you can choose “Camera Roll” that you’d like to restore only to save time. Please remember to mark down any photo you want back when you are previewing.

jirkupra data mill-backup icloud

Step 4: Retrieve Photos from iCloud

Ttektek il- "Irkupra" button and waiting for a short time, you will have a surprise that all you want back are here on your computer.

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How to Restore Photos From iCloud Photo Library

iCloud Photo Library can help you save photos online. It is also possible to restore iPhone photos from the iCloud website if you lost your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Go to > sign in to your Apple ID > Photos > Albums > Recently Deleted to get your backed-up photos from iCloud. Those images can be recovered in 30 days.

Kif Irkupra Ritratti minn iCloud Backup fuq PC

Congratulations! All steps are finished. You must have got your photos back. Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone can not only recover deleted photos but also empowers you to recover deleted contacts, text messages, contacts, notes, videos, etc. from your iOS devices. It is always practical and reliable.

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