IOS Irkupru tad-Data

Kif tirkupra Fajls imħassra mill-iPhone

Feel panic when you accidentally deleted important files on your iPhone 13 Pro Max and have no idea how to get the lost files back? Well, then you come to the right place. Let’s get straight to the point: there are still chances that you can recover the deleted files from iPhone 13/12/11, iPhone XS/XR/X, or iPhone 8/7 and earlier.

Firstly, you should know where the deleted files are stored on the iPhone.

The deleted files are still stored on your iPhone’s internal memory, but they are in an area that is invisible to users. And the files just stay in the area temporally and can be overwritten by new data at any minute. You can also find the deleted files on iPhone from the old iCloud/iTunes backup.

  • The deleted files are still stored on your iPhone’s internal memory, but they are in an area that is invisible to users. And the files just stay in the area temporally and can be overwritten by new data at any minute.
  • You can also find the deleted files on iPhone from the old iCloud/iTunes backup.

That is to say, you should stop using your iPhone and follow the methods in this post to recover deleted files on your iPhone as soon as possible. Next, we will instruct you to recover the deleted files from your iPhone without or with backup.

How to Recover Deleted Files From iPhone Without Backup

Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone can bring your deleted data back from iPhone 13/12/11, iPhone XS/X, iPhone 8/8 Plus, and more. It is an easy-to-use utility providing three solutions for you to restore deleted files on your iPhone:

  • Scan iPhone/iPad/iPod internal memory and recover deleted files without backup
  • Find deleted files from backup iTunes
  • Retrieve missing files from your backup iCloud

The iPhone file recovery software supports data recovery for 19 types of files on the iPhone, including recovering deleted SMS/WhatsApp messages, contacts, photos, app photos, videos, contacts, call logs, notes, reminders, calendar, voicemail, safari bookmark/history, app documents and more.

You can free download the trial version here:

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Step 1: Connect iPhone to the computer

Launch the program and connect your iPhone to the computer with a USB cable. Your device will be detected automatically.

Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone

Qabbad iPhone tiegħek mal-kompjuter

Step 2: Start scanning your iDevice

After the main interface of the software appears, you would see the three data recovery options for you. Select the first "Irkupra minn Apparat iOS", u kklikkja fuq il-buttuna "Ibda Skennja" button at the right side to scan out deleted files.

Skennja l-iPhone tiegħek

Step 3: Preview and recover deleted files

After the scanning is complete, all deleted/existing files on the iPhone will be displayed on windows. Choose the categories you want to recover to access the deleted files that you need.

For example, if you are going to retrieve your photos, you can choose "Roll tal-Kamera" and if you want to recover messages, you can choose “Messaġġi”.

Fl-aħħarnett, agħfas "Irkupra" to get the deleted files back.

Jirkupra data iPhone

Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone is so convenient that only within 3 steps you can recover the deleted files from your iPhone. More than that, it can also help you extract important files from your iTunes/iCloud backup. Let’s move on and see how it works.

How to Recover Deleted Files From iPhone With Backup

Before we use the traditional ways to restore deleted files from iTunes/iCloud, here are 3 things you should pay attention to:

  1. Kun żgur you’ve backed up the accidentally deleted files on iTunes/iCloud or you will fail the recovery.
  2. inti cannot preview the files.  The backup files on iTunes/iCloud are saved as a whole folder. That means you can only recover the whole folder to check if it has the files you need.
  3. Restore from iTunes/iCloud will erase your device first. Therefore, the existed data on your phone is at risk of being removed.

If you want a better way to preview the files before restoring and avoid erasing the device, Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone jistgħu jissodisfaw il-bżonnijiet tiegħek.

Free downloadFree download

Use iTunes Backup to Recover Deleted Files

Pass 1: Agħżel “Recover from iTunes Backup File”.

Jirkupra mill-iTunes Backup File

Nota: Make sure you have backed up your files on iTunes before or the program will not find the backup files.

Pass 2: Ikklikkja bidu to Scan. If you have encrypted files, a prompt will pop out and ask you to enter the password to scan and recover them.

Step 3: Preview the deleted files on iPhone. Usually, the red file names are the deleted files. Check the files you need and click Recover to get the data back.

jirkupra data minn backup iTunes

Use iCloud Backup to Recover Deleted Files

Recovering from iCloud backup is as simple as the steps above.

Free downloadFree download

Step 1: Sign in to your iCloud account.

tirkupra minn icloud

Step 2: Download and extract iCloud backup files.

Step 3: Preview and click Tirkupra to restore the wanted files.

jirkupra data mill-backup icloud

Bl-użu Irkupru tad-Data tal-iPhone, you can effectively retrieve lost files due to jailbreak, device damage, restore to factory settings, etc. To avoid permanent data loss, it is important to back up the iPhone to the computer. IOS Backup & Restore tad-Dejta can help you back up everything in your iPhone to a PC and restore the backup to the computer or iPhone.

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