Video Downloader

L-Aħjar 5 Reddit Video Downloaders biex Niżżel Vidjows B'xejn (2023)

Reddit is one of the most visited websites in the world thanks to the millions of pieces of content uploaded on the site every day. The most popular type of content on Reddit is videos, so it is not surprising that you may find a cool video on Reddit that you would like to download to your computer.

However, Reddit doesn’t offer a direct way to download videos. In this article, we will share with you the 5 best ways to download videos from Reddit to your computer. Let’s begin with the right way to copy the Reddit video link.

How to Copy a Reddit Video URL

Practically every tool that you will use to download videos from Reddit requires you to provide the URL for that video. To copy this URL from Reddit, follow these simple steps:

To Copy the Video URL:

  1. Go to Reddit and access the thread with the video you would like to download.
  2. Click on the address bar of the browser to highlight the text and then right-click and select “Copy”. You can also just use Ctrl + C on your keyboard.

To Copy the Video’s Direct Link:

  1. Go to Reddit and locate the thread with the video you want to download.
  2. Click on the “Share” button located below the video and then select “Copy Link”.

5 Best Free Reddit Video Downloaders [2022 Update]

5 Best Online Reddit Video Downloaders

Once you have copied the video’s URL or direct link, you are now ready to download the video to your computer. The following are the best tools to use.


KeepVid is one of the most popular Reddit video downloaders in the market. It has been around for quite a while and has long been the go-to solution for most people. Apart from allowing users to download videos from Reddit, it is also useful when you want to download videos from other sites including Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and more.

It is also very easy to use; just paste the URL in the field provided and then click “Go” to begin downloading the video. But when using KeepVid, you must contend with ads that pop up every time you click on a link.

5 Best Free Reddit Video Downloaders [2022 Update]

Redv is a reliable Reddit video downloader, allowing you to download the Reddit video in a matter of minutes. The web version of this tool is 100% free to use, but it will download the audio and video separately. You can get the desktop version if you want to download the complete video.

Either way, it is very easy to use. All you have to do is paste the video’s URL in the field provided and then click on the orange arrow to download the video.

5 Best Free Reddit Video Downloaders [2022 Update]


TubeOffline is another very simple solution when you need to download Reddit videos. One of the things we love about this one is that it offers users a number of options in terms of output format and output quality. You can download the videos from 240p to 1080p and choose to download the Reddit video with or without audio.

It is also very easy to use; you just need to paste the video’s URL in the field provided and click “Download”. In the popup that appears, you can select the output format. TubeOffline allows you to download videos from other sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

L-aqwa 7 Alternattivi TubeOffline biex Niżżel Vidjows fl-2022

Videdit is an online downloader that you can also use to save videos from Reddit. It also allows you to choose whether you would like to download the video with or without audio. You can download the video and audio in MP4 format or convert the audio track you extract from the video to MP3.

Like most online tools, it is very easy to use. Once you access the website, all you have to do is paste the URL link for the video in the space provided and then click “Submit” to give the tool time to analyze the link. Then simply click on the “Download HD Video” button to download the video to your computer.

5 Best Free Reddit Video Downloaders [2022 Update] hija soluzzjoni online minimalista li tagħmilha faċli ħafna biex tniżżel vidjows minn Reddit. L-interface fih biss żewġ affarijiet li għandek bżonn biex tniżżel il-vidjo, il-qasam biex tippejstja l-URL tal-vidjo u l-link tat-tniżżil. U dan huwa dak kollu li għandek tagħmel, ladarba inti tippejstja l-link tal-vidjo fil-kaxxa "Reddit URL", tikklikkja sempliċement "Niżżel il-vidjo" biex tibda tniżżel il-vidjo.

The simplicity of this site makes it the most ideal solution when you want to download Reddit videos quickly. But it is also a good choice when you want to download a lot of videos since it is very fast. It is also completely free to use.

5 Best Free Reddit Video Downloaders [2022 Update]

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